“Where taxpayers find themselves in the crosshairs of corrupt county government, local school districts and the central appraisal district”

No other time in Texas history have taxpayers faced such dire straits as today. Homeowners and taxpayers are falling further behind financially as every year goes by. Corrupt county court systems working in collaboration with local school districts and the Hill County Central Appraisal District (HCAD) have funded and subsidized big business in Texas at the expense of the citizens and taxpayers of Hill County. Hill County is the center of corruption in Texas, and taxpayers are paying the price as their homes and wealth are being stolen right beneath them. The state of Texas and the public comptroller’s office have overstepped their authority and used a run around scheme called Chapter 313 Agreements to subsidized big business and line their pockets with campaign contribution funds. Chapter 313 Agreements as they were formally known by gave big business in Texas lucrative tax breaks and reduced the tax revenues that would otherwise benefit local school districts and the local economy. These agreements have made Hill County the center of corruption in Texas. These agreements are currently part of the focus and efforts to expose fraud and corruption in Bosque, Denton, Ellis, Hill, Limestone, Navarro and McLennan counties in the north central Texas area.

The JETI in Texas!

Austin bureaucrats have done it again to taxpayers in Texas. Just when taxpayers think things may be getting better their trustworthy elected leaders in Austin pulled another fast one. When state leaders started getting pushback and were called out for subsidizing big business on the backs of taxpayers with what were formally known as Chapter 313 Agreements, they decided to let the program expire with the sunset clause in December of 2022. During the next legislative session in 2023 slick “Willies” pulled a fast one and created a new program with a catchy title, ” The Jobs, Energy, Technology and Innovation Act” also known as the JETI! Austin bureaucrats are no different than leaders in Washington and are addicted to money and kickbacks from big business. This was a stealth and run-around tactic used to distract the taxpaying public from what goes on behind closed door meetings and school board sessions across the state of Texas.

Where Common People and Common Sense Prevail