Current Issues

The Fallacy

Paradigm Shift Needed

The current system of public education in the United States has outlived its effectiveness and usefulness in today’s modern world. The fishbowl and socialist approach to education in this state and nation has limited the intellectual growth, level of excellence and achievement of the future generations coming behind us.

The cost of education today in Texas has skyrocketed out of control. The inefficiency of time and money used in the classroom today can only be compared to that of the federal government. The time has come to reign in the control of the government overreach and taxation used to fund the obsolete and outdated model of the current system still in use today.

Some of the most brilliant minds in American History learned how to read and write with very modest means such as the Holy Bible and McGuffie Readers in a single room schoolhouse.

Restoring the value

Measured Results

The cost of primary education and through the high school years is unknown. The simple question “how much does it cost to educate a fifth grader for a year” has been asked by me to educators, elected leaders and parents for over eighteen years without a response or valid answer given. The fact of the matter is no one really knows. The cost of education has been skewed and hidden by a corrupt system of taxation levied on personal property by corrupt state governments and entities that have by force taken the wealth of millions of citizens unlawfully.

The cost of education has never or ever will be decided by how much money can be taken from taxpayers based on property values. This has and is one of the greatest crimes ever committed on the citizenry of free people and the rights granted to them in United States Constitution.

Accountability Restored

Pay As You Go

If someone had the desire to stimulate the heart rate of a public educator, just suggest a “pay as you go” system and approach! You will set them off into deep orbit. Or dare make the statement there is more than one-way to train up a child and you will find yourself in deep waters. The general public has been brainwashed for decades that the public education system is the only way a child can receive a proper education. Well, if you really want to take a completely unbiased view of public education you will have to entertain the fact it will render the minimal level of education to the student or child.

The public school system is not designed to be a system of mentoring or yield an environment for a master/ apprentice approach to learning as many children during the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries were accustomed to being part of.

Education must be paid for and by the parents of those children who are of age to attend school. It must be a fee-based system for many reasons. It must create a system of responsibility for parents. It must demand accountability of the method of education chosen by the parents. It will create a system of competition that will aid in the process of achieving the highest level of learning for the cost and burden of the parents of children attending school.

Where Common People and Common Sense Prevail